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LGB Structure

Governance for Northdown Primary School is provided through the Local Governing Body.


The Local Governing Body is committed to TKAT’s mission:

  • Achieving more together.
  • Our vision is to put children first to build a better world.
  • We will ensure that the life chances of all pupils in our Academies are significantly improved as a result of our educational provision.
  • We will provide outstanding teaching and learning to enable all children – especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds – to reach their potential and meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.


The Local Governing Body is committed to TKAT’s mission:

  • Achieving more together.
  • Our vision is to put children first to build a better world.
  • We will ensure that the life chances of all pupils in our Academies are significantly improved as a result of our educational provision.
  • We will provide outstanding teaching and learning to enable all children – especially those from disadvantaged backgrounds – to reach their potential and meet the challenges of the twenty-first century.


Following the meeting of the Joint Local Governing Body on February 9th 2022, it was decided to end the Joint Local Governance Structure for TKAT schools within Thanet.

From 9th February 2022, there is a single Local Governing Body for each school. There is a Chair and Vice-Chair for each school’s Local Governing Body.

Governors on each school’s Local Governing Body will have specific responsibilities, including: Finance, Standards and Assessment, Behaviour and Welfare, Health and Safety, Safeguarding, SEND, EYFS and Leadership and Management.