Governing Body Membership
Northdown Primary School Local Governing Body (LGB)
Following the meeting of the Joint Local Governing Body on February 9th 2022, it was decided to end the Joint Local Governance Structure for TKAT schools within Thanet.
From 9th February 2022, there is a single Local Governing Body for each school. There is a Chair and Vice-Chair for each school’s Local Governing Body.
Governors on each school’s Local Governing Body will have specific responsibilities, including: Finance, Standards and Assessment, Behaviour and Welfare, Health and Safety, Safeguarding, SEND, EYFS and Leadership and Management.
The composition of each Local Governing Body is up to 9 governors:
The Chair (Appointed)
2 Parent Governors (elected by parents)
2 Staff Governors (elected by staff)
Headteacher (ex-offico)
Up to 3 other appointed Governors
Other members of the School’s leadership team may join meetings as appropriate.
Chair of Governors: Heather Waller, an appointed governor
Vice-Chair of Governors: Jack Packman, an appointed governor
Our pay committee officially approves teacher and admin staff pay, with advice from our Headteacher.
The membership of the pay committee is reviewed and approved annually at a governor’s meeting.
The pay committee is made up of our Chair of Governors and one other nominated governor.