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Safeguarding Team
At our school, we have a dedicated safeguarding email address, if you need to contact a DSL urgently please email
dsl@northdown-tkat.org or by phoning 01843 226077
Our Safeguarding Team:
Mr Matthew Harris - Headteacher/Lead DSL
Dr C Goldsmith - SENCo and Inclusion/Lead DSL
Mrs S Potter - Family Liaison Officer/DSL
Miss C Adelsberg - Deputy Headteacher/DSL
Ms S Fish - Deputy Headteacher/DSL
Mr D Read - TKAT ACE Champion/DSL
Miss S Dyer - Thrive Practitioner/DSL
Mrs C Hayward - Thrive Practitioner/DSL
Mr H Fetherston - Year 4 Teacher/KS2 Maths Lead/DSL
Mrs S Ford - Wider Curriculum Leader/DSL
Our Safeguarding Governor is Heather Waller.
Part of their role is to challenge our procedures and policies, ensuring that we are effectively safeguarding all of our pupils.
If you or a child is in immediate danger, phone the Police on 999.
Our DSLs