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At Northdown Primary School, we are passionate about English, recognizing it as the cornerstone of the curriculum and the key that unlocks all other subjects. We understand the vital connection between reading and writing: strong readers become skilled writers.

Our aim is to build children’s vocabulary through regular reading opportunities, enabling them to enrich their writing while enhancing their oracy and communication skills. Grammar and spelling are seamlessly integrated into our writing lessons, with additional focused sessions provided when needed. Our approach is supported by the Letter-Join handwriting program, Read Write Inc. phonics and the National Curriculum guidelines.

We employ the Talk for Writing methodology, developed by Pie Corbett, to nurture reflective readers and creative writers. This approach helps children internalize the language structures required for powerful and imaginative writing. Every writing task at Northdown is purposeful, with a clear audience and format as we believe that talking about stories is key to crafting compelling narratives.

The Talk for Writing approach engages children with an exciting "hook," encourages the enjoyment of diverse literature and provides a dynamic, interactive structure to support their writing development. It unfolds across three stages: imitation, innovation, and independent invention.

·         Imitation: Children memorize a text using story maps, actions and expression, helping them internalize language patterns and build confidence in spoken language.

·         Innovation: Teachers guide students through workshops and shared writing sessions, exploring vocabulary and language playfully. This stage helps children craft their writing using techniques modelled by their teachers.

·         Invention: In the final stage, children independently apply their learning to create their own written work, tailored to the specific genre of the unit.

The Talk for Writing approach has not only improved children’s writing progress but also boosted their engagement and enjoyment, fostering a genuine love for storytelling and creativity.