Design Technology

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At Northdown Primary School, our Design and Technology curriculum is crafted to inspire learners to develop essential skills such as creativity, problem-solving, critical thinking, empathy, and resilience. Our DT provision sparks a passion for learning through meaningful, hands-on experiences. By the end of Year 6, children will have explored a variety of DT areas, building on skills acquired in previous years. Our curriculum ensures that pupils leave with a strong understanding of the relationship between design, technology, and the wider world, including the importance of environmental sustainability.

How is the subject taught?

At Northdown, three DT units are taught each year, focusing on mechanisms and structures, textiles, and food technology. Each unit follows an enquiry-based approach, encouraging children to plan, investigate, and create using a wide range of tools and resources. Through active participation, children develop curiosity, enthusiasm, and a genuine love for learning in DT lessons.