EHCP Process

EHCP Process

If your child has been identified for SEN Support and a suitable period of three Assess, Plan, Do Review periods have elapsed without sufficient progress, then the school SENCO may discuss the possibility of an EHCP with the teacher and parents. In these circumstances, where the school feel that they are unable to make progress through quality first teaching and specifically tailored interventions, they may collect information in preparation for the submission of an EHCP.

EHC plans look at all your child’s needs and brings together education, health and care services to achieve agreed outcomes. The focus is very much on what is important for children and young people – what they and you want to achieve now and in the future.

If the school are content that the child is making progress within our setting, or not enough time for our provision to take effect has been given by the parent, then it will be the responsibility of parents to apply for the EHCP through the following portal:

You will then be asked to provide any of the following to support your application:

  • Evidence of your child’s academic attainment (or developmental milestones in younger children) and rate of progress;
  • Information about the nature, extent and context of your child’s SEN;
  • Evidence of the action already being taken by the education provider to meet your child’s SEN e.g Provision Maps/Personalised Plans;
  • Evidence that where progress has been made, it has only been as the result of much additional intervention and support over and above that which is usually provided;
  • Evidence you have provided of your child’s physical, emotional and social development and health needs, including relevant evidence from clinicians and other health professionals and what has been done to meet these by other agencies.